Randy woke me up with all his rattling. He was making coffee at 6:30 AM, was fully dressed, camera in hand, and ready to hit the porch for the sunrise. I had to get up out of guilt and joined him, dressed in my bathrobe and wrapped up in a quilt. We sat on the beach in our chairs and watched the sun come up and the dolphins play in the water.
Breakfast and lunch were served on the porch.........open-faced tomato sandwiches and also turkey sandwiches.
No wonder I kept falling asleep in my beach chair.
We didn't leave our chairs until 5 PM when it was time to drive a mile down to the Kill Devils Grille (milepost 9) for another pound of shrimp,( this time steamed in beer), and an appetizer, then back to resume relaxing.
I started a really good book titled Beautiful Lies by Lisa Unger, and have had my nose stuck into the pages of it most of the day with a few breaks to use the binoculars to watch dolphins pass by. The binoculars made it so I could see their smiling faces as they leapt up into the air.
Aside from moving around from sun to shade and back, that is just about the extent of the goings on of the Roamers today.
Ho hum. Sorry so short, but that's all folks!