Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beach Daze.................Day 6, Spring Break

1. Got up
2. Drank coffee on the beach
3. Sat on the beach
4. Read my "beach book"
5. Had small breakfast
6. Made a salad for lunch
7. Sat on the beach
8. Fell asleep on my "beach book"
9. Read some more
10. Sat on the beach
11. Read some more
12. Went to Tortuga's Lie again for yet another pound of shrimp
13. Drank some wine while we sat on the beach and read our "beach books"
14. Came inside to watch American Idol
15. Will go back outside to sit on the beach, drink some wine, and then come in to read the "beach books"

The end of Day 6
Stick around for tomorrow, though............I've been doing a study on the Beach People..........I have to look up from the book occasionally.................
The weather has been wonderful. It was in the low 80's today, sunny all afternoon. No rain. No tornadoes.  Life is good.